
Honey Lip Balm

It is very important to keep yourself moist, today I would like to introduce the lip balm I am using to you -- Frances Hilary's Honey Lip Balm.

I bought this lip balm in Covent Garden, London. It is a little shop selling garden, home, bath and body products.

The texture of the lip balm is quite thick. It is natural anti-septic. To me, if a product is naturally made is very important as you never know how chemicals and heavy amount of preservatives would affect you later on. 

The moisture qualities is pretty decent, and my lips could not live without it for a single day in Winter!!

Miss W xxx



The Journey Begins

Hi everyone! I am Miss J,  student majoring in fashion design.  I don't really admire any special fashion icon, or brand. I think that taste changes all the time. Maybe today when you're young, you love more complicated, funky, vivid style, but one day you would love minimalism cause of its comfort. So, preference depends on experience and environment.

I believe all the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on. I persist to live in glamour, and enjoy life.  On th other hand, I enjoy the jollification of being alone.  E.g. arts exhibition, smell few drops of Chloe, drink a cup of Earl Grey... That's my life.

Miss J


Thinking of open this blog for a long long time really.. but didnt really start it until this holiday. Urgg!! Uni is really busying somehow!! Wanted to have a blog to share for a long time, but never really carry on for a long time. Hope this time I could carry on forever:):):)

My bff, Miss J, and I talk about fashion, beauty and everything since school time.  So this blog is all about what we love, do and interested in. 

She is a fashion design majoring student and will be sharing with you more about it.  Well, and me... I don't really know what am I going to focus... but surely will post some quality work :)

Miss W xxx