
Youth Code 用復感L'Oreal Paris

Youth Code 已經launch 了兩個月, 記得那時候, 我和朋友看著廣告,都不太知pre essence是怎麼一回事,但是看到可以提升肌底吸收力,一星期修復肌膚。

結果, 我們便發揮了女人的天性, 購物。

使用了大概一個月,在沒有轉其他護膚品我情況下,肌膚的確好了,毛孔細了,媽媽用了一星期, 細紋也淺了。不過,效果最顯著都是頭一星期。$279 你會買pre essence 還是多一枝精華液呢?

至於我朋友,她有太多護膚品了,還沒有開始用呢! BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop


Nivea Q10 eye cream product review 一試無妨

話說個多星期之前收到PolyU同學仔支Nivea Q10 eye cream,他們邀請了我寫番個user review blog post。本身都不存有太大興趣,事關本人年紀輕輕,一見到Anti-wrinkle 隻字就心諗:我需要嗎?見同學仔講到佢係消委會同類型產品測試中排三甲,勁過好多上千元的eye cream,於是我抱著一試無妨的心態用左個幾星期。通常在沖涼後完成一系列skin care程序之後,用一粒豆的volume去塗係眼部四周,再用係VIVI magazine學回來的按摩手勢。成效也不錯,黑眼圈問題有所改善,因為經常化眼妝,帶con導致的小小細紋都淡左。overall而言,一支15ml的eye cream賣around $12x 都算係化算。


Spring Earth

Spring Earth

After an introduction of floral spring, I would like to introduce you the nurturers of flowers - earth and moist.

Misty weather and fertile soil come first before the colourful flowers. Although earth and water don't outstand as much as petal, we still love them around us. The colours nicely go well together and fit my wish today - I want to be a contributor than a taker, a low profile than under spot light.

Miss W,


on a cold wet day...

on a cold wet day...

Its been cold these days and the weather will be cold next week too!!

What would you wear on a rainy & freezing day?

Miss W


Flower Spring

之前也說過筆者到了一BEAUTY 王國實習去, 然後就好少打BLOG,
記得JWFASHIONOLOGY 大概是去年這個時候建立的, 「奮鬥」到現在其實也不算十分容易呢._.
新春沒有寫甚麼, 寫一點春天吧?

很喜歡ASOS 這個配搭, 米白底大粉色花連身裙, 痴地得來又有花可以幫手搶鏡, 不錯呢。加個黃色的小袋子, 及一對涼鞋, 簡簡單單就可以上街去了。

沒有想過花卉圖案會流行了好幾年, 由06 年左右的小碎花, 到12年的春裝, 還是花花世界呢。
身材偏瘦削的你, 不妨穿貼身黑色小上衣來SHOW OFF, 再用小傘裙的VOLUME為自己加添些曲線美啦!

Sexy with flowers on - Corset + 高腰SKIRT, 這很好, 可以遮肚腩又可以SHOW 身材, 所以千萬別以為只有瘦削的MODEL 才可以變SEXY 喔。

花- 不一定會好GIRLY 的, 花卉圖案也可以型起來的。 藍與紅的對比強烈, 可以帶出個性的鮮明, COLLAR 帶出的型味及百摺帶出的女人味互相平衡, 別小看DETAILS 位的巧妙配搭喔。

天氣仍寒, 期盼回暖的同時, 先望春裝止渴吧! 小心保暖!

Miss W


Be Spring, be girly, in the season of love

Be Spring, be girly, in the season of love

I know, it has been ages since I publish a post.
Its freezing even though I am living in the sub-tropical area. So looking forward to the smell of spring, all the flowers, dresses, and the taste of Love.
3 weeks till Valentine's Day and I am counting down.
Lots of love,
Miss W