
on a cold wet day...

on a cold wet day...

Its been cold these days and the weather will be cold next week too!!

What would you wear on a rainy & freezing day?

Miss W


Flower Spring

之前也說過筆者到了一BEAUTY 王國實習去, 然後就好少打BLOG,
記得JWFASHIONOLOGY 大概是去年這個時候建立的, 「奮鬥」到現在其實也不算十分容易呢._.
新春沒有寫甚麼, 寫一點春天吧?

很喜歡ASOS 這個配搭, 米白底大粉色花連身裙, 痴地得來又有花可以幫手搶鏡, 不錯呢。加個黃色的小袋子, 及一對涼鞋, 簡簡單單就可以上街去了。

沒有想過花卉圖案會流行了好幾年, 由06 年左右的小碎花, 到12年的春裝, 還是花花世界呢。
身材偏瘦削的你, 不妨穿貼身黑色小上衣來SHOW OFF, 再用小傘裙的VOLUME為自己加添些曲線美啦!

Sexy with flowers on - Corset + 高腰SKIRT, 這很好, 可以遮肚腩又可以SHOW 身材, 所以千萬別以為只有瘦削的MODEL 才可以變SEXY 喔。

花- 不一定會好GIRLY 的, 花卉圖案也可以型起來的。 藍與紅的對比強烈, 可以帶出個性的鮮明, COLLAR 帶出的型味及百摺帶出的女人味互相平衡, 別小看DETAILS 位的巧妙配搭喔。

天氣仍寒, 期盼回暖的同時, 先望春裝止渴吧! 小心保暖!

Miss W


Be Spring, be girly, in the season of love

Be Spring, be girly, in the season of love

I know, it has been ages since I publish a post.
Its freezing even though I am living in the sub-tropical area. So looking forward to the smell of spring, all the flowers, dresses, and the taste of Love.
3 weeks till Valentine's Day and I am counting down.
Lots of love,
Miss W