

Today, I've went to K11 mall in TST. It has been marketed as an artistic shopping mall. I'm really not sure how artistic it is... look not big different with a decent shopping mall somehow, except for the two design showrooms and the "bread and cookies Monalisa"

今天到到tst 的k11 走。藝術購物中心?! gimmick 罷了。那個用包和餅砌成的蒙羅麗莎倒是幾可愛。

上到頂樓, 會看到HKID design gallery 的攤位。
On the top floor of the mall, you can see the HKID design gallery.

There are some vintage style acessories=]
I quite like the earrings and leather bags.
那裡售了不少復古style 的配件, 我挺喜歡那些耳環和皮包呢。

還有好皮件夾一樣的ipad 皮包。this is an ipad case!!

The following sneakers are handmade!! and can tailor for you!!! only hk$200!!下面的鞋是手作的!! 很厲害!! 只是200元! 還可以訂做你自己喜愛的款式!!

Although I didnt get anything, but already feel so satisfy!!

Miss W

